Tag: chronic illness

  • Growing Up Sick

    By Lexi Uslu I plunged into the deep dark depths of disparity that is chronic illness early on in my life. It didn’t take me long to realize I was different than all of my peers. The casts, the wheelchair, the trashcan next to my desk that was constantly in use due to my upset…

  • Why Even Fame Can’t Shield Jameela Jamil from the Ugly Truth About Ehlers Danlos Syndrome

    By DM Sullivan  2019 brought much hope to the long-silent-suffering Ehlers Danlos Community when Lena Dunham, Jameela Jamil, and SIA revealed their EDS diagnoses. It felt like a celebrity endorsement of sorts. EDS suddenly went from “what?” to the “disease du jour” and was all over social media and pop culture news programs like Entertainment…

  • That Space Between Us

    You will always be my baby, my child, my soul – you are part of me. Your challenge is my challenge, your illness is my illness, and your pain is my pain. I would give anything to trade places and take what you must endure each day. I would do anything to make all the…