Tag: chronic pain

  • When I Close My Eyes by Lexi Uslu

    When I close my eyes, I grow wings and fly; I use my wings to fly towards the sky. I abandon my reality of chronic illness as I soar towards freedom. Tonight, I am safe in my bed – away from it all… Away from my dreaded wheelchair and even more, away from the pain of…

  • Growing Up Sick

    By Lexi Uslu I plunged into the deep dark depths of disparity that is chronic illness early on in my life. It didn’t take me long to realize I was different than all of my peers. The casts, the wheelchair, the trashcan next to my desk that was constantly in use due to my upset…

  • Why Grey’s Anatomy Did Not Blow the Ehlers Danlos Episode

    By DM. Sullivan ABC’s medical drama Grey’s Anatomy’s recently aired an episode, Falling Slowly, which featured a story line about a young patient with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, and a grateful EDS Community has been abuzz on social media ever since. Thank you for finally giving us a voice! Validation at last! Awareness! Well, sort of…. Reviews have been…

  • Paving the Way! Back to School for Kids in Pain

    When a child is living with pain and chronic health issues, back to school can be a time of mixed emotions and added logistics for parents to navigate. Back To School Means Time To Advocate I woke up this morning, ignored the pit in my stomach and made THAT call. You know, the call to…