Tag: medical kidnapping

  • Rare Community Mourns a Mom Pushed Too Far

    This blog was written in 2017 to channel some grief and try to raise awareness of a growing problem in the rare disease and Ehlers Danlos Community. It hurt too much and felt too scary to publish at the time.  Today, as this brave family prepares to release their story on Netflix in June, TCAPP stands…

  • When Medicine Attacks Motherhood

    By DM Sullivan My phone has been blowing up all week. It happens every May. This year it seems to be a little more intense, but I know the reason – Mother’s Day. I am a rare disease mom and patient advocate. I have spent the last ten years supporting families who live with rare,…

  • Why Complex Medical Families are Grateful to Justina

    By DM Sullivan This week, the long-delayed Justina Pelletier lawsuit goes to court.  Rare disease and complex medical families are watching very closely because since 2013 when Justina was taken into state custody after a disagreement between her parents and doctors at Boston Children’s Hospital, things have seemed to get worse not better. Rare disease…