Advocacy Resources:

Accredited Online Colleges and Disability Information

As with the general population, the level of education and training after high school that a person with disabilities receives is a key factor in their ability to find work.

Social Security and Disability Resource Center

Provides a detailed overview of how the federal disability system works (social security disability and SSI) and also provides answers to many questions that applicants typically have, but often have trouble finding answers to. For the most part, the site is based on the author’s personal experience as a former disability-medicaid caseworker, and also as a former disability examiner for the social security administration.

The Invisible Disabilities Association (IDA)

Encourages, educates and connects people and organizations touched by illness, pain and disability around the globe. Formerly known as The Invisible Disabilities Advocate.

Americans with Disabilities Act

Your gateway to information about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Social Security Disability Benefits

Get answers to many questions about Social Security disability benefits including how to find out if you are eligible, how to apply and the difference between SSDI and SSI.

Benefits for People with Disabilities

The Social Security and Supplemental Security Income disability programs are the largest of several Federal programs that provide assistance to people with disabilities.

Accredited Online Colleges and Disability Information

Consumer Website Meant to Help Navigate the Social Security Web of Information.