News & Events

Getting Your Life Back One Surgery at a Time

By Jeff Leen, Published: March 10 in the Washington Post Mildred Burke had one of the strongest necks in the world. A champion pro wrestler in the 1930s and the first female athlete to earn $1 million, Burke was only 5-2, but her bulging neck measured 14 inches around. To entertain the crowd, she would lie on her back… Continue Reading »

Surviving the rabbit hole

If you are reading this blog, chances are your child, or someone you love lives with a chronic pain condition. Your daily life is most likely altered, and possibly has become limited. If you are fortunate, you will have found care with the many knowledgeable and supportive medical professions who understand connective tissue disorders and… Continue Reading »

Would you like to Guest Blog?

Welcome to our new blog, Parents Talk! Since there is no manual for how to parent a child in chronic pain, or how to navigate the sometimes seemingly endless abyss of physical and emotional challenges, we have created this space to explore and discuss the unique parenting and family issues that so many of us face…. Continue Reading »

What Pain Feels LIke for Someone With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

Cincinnati Children’s Blog By:Kenneth Goldschneider, MD, FAAP on August 8, 2013 You might have seen Hallie’s edition of Tell Me a Story. Her journey with pain as a patient withEhlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) is familiar to us now, but several years ago, we had not recognized just how often EDS, a hereditary cause of hypermobility, was a cause of pain…. Continue Reading »


Our 10-year-old daughter who was once a beautiful and passionate dancer now sat in a wheelchair as walking was far too painful.She had lost sensation below her knee, where the excruciating pain was coming from.Her foot had become discolored, swollen and extremely cold. While trying to get a diagnosis and treatment we took her to… Continue Reading »